How To Maximize Your Rental Car Relocation Experience: Answer 4 Questions

So you’ve got your heart set on using a rental relocation service?

Wondering what you can do to make the most of your experience?

This is the post for you!

Just answer the following 4 questions.

1. Can you combine a Relocation with a One Way Flight?

With airlines offering cheaper and cheaper flights it’s becoming more and more attractive to combine a one way flight with a relocation service!

This allows you to combine the thriftiness of one way budget airline tickets and rental relocation’s to give you the best of both worlds!

Imagine you have a limited time to road trip around Australia, you can start off in Adelaide, fly direct to Brisbane for a few hundred dollars and then drive back in a free camper van all within a tight budget and time frame!

2. Are You Prepared To Be Flexible?

Often the best deals are for a limited time and you can’t plan the location or the timing.

To get the best vehicle and best rate it’s important that you are flexible, in where you want to go and for how long!

3. What Size Vehicles Are You Comfortable Driving?

Are you a driving wizard who can drive literally any vehicle of any size and any transmission?

Most people are not, campers are often a manual transmission.

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to learn how to drive a camper larger than a double-decker bus, with a transmission you’re not comfortable with!

4. Do You Have A Plan?

Once you have secured a relocation vehicle it can be important to plan your trip and to secure locations ahead of time.

This becomes especially important over peak seasons as spaces are limited especially in freedom camping sites.

Planning can make sure you get to do the things you want and helps you avoid excessive late fees.

Your Thoughts?

Have some tips you found useful?

Don’t hesitate to share them in the comments below!

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